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Here you will find brief information about all exile cases relating to the category/ies you searched for, listed by the person/group exiled in alphabetical order. Click on 'View Case' to research each record further.

Results found: 10

Exile Cases

Exile Exile Date Sent From Went To Returned Relationships Office Sources
Theosebius of Ephesus (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518)
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c. 518 (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518) Ephesus [Selçuk] Constantinopolis [Istanbul] no
  • Emperor (c. 518)
Lupicina (Euphemia)
  • Empress (c. 518)
Chronicle of Zuqnin, Third part, 517-518 (Harrak, 51)
Ioannes of Ephesus (male) c. 507 - c. 588 (from: --/--/507 to: --/--/588)
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571 - c. 589 (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/589) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Imperial palace of Constantinople [Palace of Constantinople] no
Iustinus II
  • Emperor (571)
Paulus of Antioch
  • (after 571)
Young attendant in Constantinople
  • (after 571)
Syncellus of the patriarch in Constantinople
  • syncellus (after 571)
Servant of Ioannes of Ephesus
  • (after 571)
Guard of Ioannes of Ephesus
  • (after 571)
Ioannes of Sirmium
  • Bishop (571)
Eutychius of Constantinople
  • Bishop (after 571)
Aelia Sophia
  • Empress
Ioannes of Ephesus, historia ecclesiastica 1.17, 2.4-7, 41, 44, 50 Michael Syrus 10.6, 18 (Chabot 2:300, 303, 349)
Zeuxis of Alabanda (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518)
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c. 518 - ? (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/--) Alabanda [Doğanyurt, Çine] no
  • Emperor (c. 518)
Lupicina (Euphemia)
  • Empress (c. 518)
Chronicle of Zuqnin, Third part, 517-518 (Harrak, 51)
Twelve bishops from the Antioch area (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/521 to: --/--/521)
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521 - ? (from: --/--/521 to: --/--/--) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] no
Ioannes of Ephesus, Vitae Sanctorum Orientalium 18 (PO 18:513-26)
Iohannes of Tella (male) 483 - 538 (from: --/--/483 to: --/--/538)
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521 - 538 (from: --/--/521 to: --/--/538) Tella [Viranşehir] no
Severus of Antioch
  • (early 520ies)
Monophysite bishops
  • (early 520ies)
Monophysite monks
  • (early 520ies)
Ioannes of Ephesus
  • (529)
'170,000' clerics
  • (after 522)
70 Amidene monks
  • (529)
Ephraim of Amida
  • Bishop (538)
Twelve bishops from the Antioch area
  • Bishop (after 521)
V.-L. Menze, “The Regula ad Diaconos: John of Tella, his Eucharistic Ecclesiology and the Establishment of an Ecclesiastical Hierarchy in Exile,” Oriens Christianus 90 (2006), 44-90 Severus, Select Letters 5.14 (Brooks, 1902-4, 389-94) Ioannes of Ephesus, Vitae Sanctorum Orientalium 18 (PO 18:513-26) Chronicle of Zuqnin, Third part, 517-518 (Harrak, 51)
Florentius (male) Mid fifth century (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/449)
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440 - 449 (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/449) North Africa [North Africa] Cyrrus [Khoros] no
Theodoretus of Cyrrhus
  • Bishop (mid fifth century)
Eusebius of Ancyra
  • Bishop (mid fifth century)
Theodoret, epistula 22 (21)
Nestorius (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/386 to: --/--/450)
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431 - after 450 (from: --/--/431 to: --/--/450) Ephesus [Selçuk] Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] no
Aelia Pulcheria
  • Empress (431)
Escorts of Nestorius
  • (after 436)
Companions of Nestorius
  • (after 436)
Maximianus of Constantinople
  • Bishop (431)
Flavius Anthemius Isidorus
  • PPO Orientis (436)
Valentinianus III
  • Emperor (3/8/435)
  • praefectus urbis Constantinopolitanae (3/8/435)
Dorotheus of Marcianopolis
  • (after 432)
Theodoretus of Cyrrhus
  • Bishop (435/6)
  • (after 449)
  • presbyter (435 - ?)
  • (435 - before 445)
Iohannes of Antioch
  • Bishop (435)
Dalmatius of Constantinople
  • Abbot (431)
  • Abbot (before 451)
aristocrat from Alexandria sent by the comes
  • (after 436)
  • (after 436)
  • tribunus (east) (451)
Marcianus (emperor)
  • Emperor (451)
Chamberlain accompanying Nestorius
  • (after 436)
Orthodox bishops
  • (after 436)
Theodosius II
  • Emperor (431)
Dorotheus of Marcianopolis
  • Bishop (432-451)
Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 1.7; ACO 1.1.3, 110 (Schwartz, 67); 1.4, 166-7, 189-90; Codex Theodosianus 16.5.66; Barhadbessaba Arbaia (Nau, PO 9/5, 1913:493-677) 27-30; Elias' letter to Cosmas (Nau, PO 13/2, 1916:273-86); Chronicle of Seert (Sher, PO 5/2, 1950:221-344); Iohannes Rufus, Plerophories (Nau, PO 8, 1911:405-608); Michael Syrus (Chabot, vol. 2); Severus of Hermopolis, historia Patriarcharum Alexandrinorum (Evetts, PO 1/4, 1948, 383-518); John Moschus, Pratum Spirituale (ed. Th. Nissen, "Unbekannte Erzählungen aus dem Pratum Spirituale", Byzantinische Zeitschrift 38, 1938, 351-376); Historia Ecclesiastica Coptica (ed. D.W. Johnson, "Further Fragments of a Coptic Church History of the Church: Cambridge Or. 1699 R.", Enchoria 6, 1976, 7-17);
Isidorus of Kenneshrin (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/521 to: --/--/527)
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521 - after 527 (from: --/--/536 to: --/--/536) Chalcis ad Belum [Qinnasrin] Alexandria [Alexandria] no
  • Deaconess (after 536)
  • Deaconess (after 536)
  • Emperor (c. 518)
Lupicina (Euphemia)
  • Empress (c. 518)
Theodora (empress)
  • Empress
Ioannes of Ephesus, Vita sanctorum orientalium 13 (PO 82:189) Pseudo-Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, chronicon 3.32 (transl. Witakowski, 31-32) Chronicle of Zuqnin, Third part, 517-518 (Harrak, 50)
Dionysius of Milan (male) died 361/2? (from: --/--/352 to: --/--/361)
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355- before 362 (from: --/--/355 to: 4/2/362) Mediolan(i)um [Milan] Armenia [Armenia] no
Eusebius of Vercelli
  • Bishop (355)
Lucifer of Cagliari
  • Bishop (355)
Auxentius of Milan
  • presbyter (355)
Liberius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (355-356)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (355)
Basilius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (before 370)
Ambrosius of Milan
  • Bishop (perhaps 396)
Ennodius of Pavia
  • Bishop (before 521)
Aurelius of Riditio
  • Bishop (475)
  • (475)
  • Deacon (355)
  • presbyter (355)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (355)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (355)
Faustinus et Marcellinus , libellus precum 23, collectio Avellana 2 (CSEL 35.1:12); Ambrosius, epistula 63, 68-71, 21a and 18 (PL 16:1207-9, 1012-3) = epistula 75a, 18, extra coll. 14 and 68-71 (CSEL 82.3:93-4 and 271-3); Vita Dionysii 76 (AASS Mai. VI:46, BHL 2168); Hilarius of Poitiers, textus narrativus (Liber I ad Constantium), App. 7.1 and 1.3 (CSEL 65:164 and 186-7); Sulpicius Severus, Chronica 2.39 (CSEL 1:92-3); Athanasius, apologia ad Constantium 27 (SC 56:118-9); Athanasius, de fuga 4 (Opitz 2.1:70-71); Athanasius, historia Arianorum 33.6 and 46.3 (Opitz 2.1:201 and 210); Rufinus, historia ecclesiastica 10.21 (GCS 9.2.2:987-8); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.36 (PG 67:300-302); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.9.3-4 (GCS 50:148); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.15.4 (GCS 19:129); Prosper of Aquitaine, epitoma chronicon 1091 (MGH auct. ant. 9, chronica minora 1:455); Liberius, epistula, in Hilarius, Fragmentum historiarum, App. VII.1 (CSEL 65:164-6); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 355 (GCS 47:239-40); Basilius of Caesarea, epistula 197 (Courtonne); Ennodius, carmina 1.21 (MGH auct. ant. 7:255-6); CIL V 6183a; Acta Sanctorum, Nov. 2.2:271 (BHL 2168 and 2169); Catalogus archiepiscorum Mediolanensium, MGH script. 8:102;
Severus of Antioch (male) 465 - 8/2/538 (from: --/--/465 to: 8/2/538)
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518 - c. 538 (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/538) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] no
  • Emperor (518)
Iulianus of Halicarnassus
  • (between 518 and 535)
Anthimus of Constantinople
  • Bishop (c. 536)
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (c. 535 and later)
Theodora (empress)
  • Empress (c. 536 and later)
  • Emperor (518)
  • comes (east) (518)
Flavius Vitalianus
  • comes (east) (518)
Paulus I of Antioch
  • Bishop (518)
Theodosius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 536)
Isaac the Scholastic
  • (after 518)
Philippus the presbyter
  • presbyter (between 519 and 538)
  • Bishop (between 519 and 520)
  • Bishop (between 519 and 520)
  • Bishop (between 519 and 520)
  • presbyter (between 525 and 531)
  • archimandrite (between 519 and 538)
  • (between 519 and 538)
  • (between 519 and 538)
  • Bishop (between 519 and 538)
  • Bishop (between 519 and 525)
  • Bishop (between 519 and 525)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 525)
  • Deacon (between 519 and 525)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 533)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 533)
'the orthodox in Emesa'
  • (between 518 and 519)
  • (between 519 and 534)
  • (between 519 and 534)
  • Deacon (between 519 and 534)
  • patricia (between 521 and 536)
Iohannes Canopites
  • (between 519 and 534)
'the believers in Antioch'
  • (between 519 and 538)
Andreas the reader and notary
  • notarius (4th September 537)
  • notarius (September 537)
  • patricia (between 519 and 535)
  • presbyter (between 521 and 531)
the orthodox clergymen and laymen in Antioch
  • (between 519 and 520)
  • (between 519 and 520)
  • (between 519 and 538)
  • Monk (between 519 and 538)
Marion of Shura
  • Bishop (between 522 and 527)
  • Bishop (between 519 and 537)
  • Bishop (between 519 and 537)
Iohannes (a bishop)
  • Bishop (between 521 and 527)
  • Bishop (between 521 and 527)
  • Bishop (between 521 and 527)
Sergius of Cyrrus
  • Bishop (between 522 and 527)
  • (between 519 and 538)
Iohannes of Bostra
  • Scholasticus (between 519 and 538)
  • (between 519 and 538)
  • (between 519 and 538)
Andreas the reader and notary
  • notarius (537)
  • notarius (31 June 537)
Thecla the Countess
  • (between 519 and 538)
  • patricia (between 519 and 535)
  • (between 519 and 538)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 538)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 538)
the orthodox assembled in the church of the city of Anbar
  • (between 519 and 538)
Iohannes the presbyter (3?)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 538)
the orthodox assembled in the church of Hirtha dNu'man
  • (between 519 and 538)
Victor the presbyter
  • presbyter (between 519 and 521)
  • presbyter (between 513 and 521)
  • presbyter (between 513 and 521)
Elisha the prebyter and archimandrite
  • presbyter (between 519 and 521)
'the monks of the east'
  • Monk (between 519 and 521een 519 and 525)
Philippus the presbyter and monk
  • presbyter (between 519 and 520)
  • hypatissa (between 519 and 538)
  • hypatissa (between 519 and 538)
  • hypatissa (between 519 and 538)
  • hypatissa (519)
  • (between 519 and 538)
  • (between 519 and 538)
  • (between 519 and 538)
  • patricia (between 519 and 538)
  • hypatissa (519)
  • hypatissa (519)
  • hypatissa (519)
  • hypatissa (519)
  • hypatissa (519)
  • hypatissa (519)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 538)
the Holy Convents of Virgins of Christ
  • (between 519 and 525)
Anastasia the Deaconess
  • Deaconess (between 522 and 526)
  • Deaconess (between 522 and 526)
  • Deaconess (between 522 and 526)
  • Deaconess (between 522 and 526)
  • magister militum (between 519 and 538)
Constantinus of Laodicea
  • Bishop (c.513 - 538)
  • Bishop (c.519 - 538)
Thomas of Germanicia
  • Bishop (c.519 - 538)
  • Bishop (c.519 - 538)
  • Comes (c.519 - 538)
  • Comes (c.519 - 538)
Sergius of Cyrrus
  • Bishop (between 519 and 538)
Ammonius the Scholastic of Bostra
  • Scholasticus (between 519 and 538)
  • patricia (between 532 and 538)
Daughter of Georgia
  • patricia (between 532 and 538)
  • Deaconess (between 513 and 538)
  • Deaconess (between 519 and 525)
  • (between 519 and 525)
  • Scholasticus (between 519 and 525)
Iohannes the presbyter (1)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 538)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 538)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 538)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 520)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 520)
  • presbyter (between 520 and 534)
  • presbyter (between 520 and 525)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 520)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 520)
  • presbyter (519 - 538)
Iohannes the presbyter (2)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 538)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 538)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 538)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 520)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 520)
  • presbyter (between 520 and 534)
  • presbyter (between 520 and 525)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 520)
  • presbyter (between 519 and 520)
  • presbyter (519 - 538)
Ioannes of Ephesus, Vitae Sanctorum Orientalium 48 (PO 18, 686-8) Theophanes, AM 6011 Euagrius, historia ecclesiastica 4.4, 4.11 Ioannes Malalas, chronica 17.6 (Dindorf, 411) Novellae Iustinani 42 Life of Severus of Antioch (tr. S.P. Brock, and B. Fitzgerald, B., Two Early Lives of Severos, Patriarch of Antioch [Translated Texts for Historians 59]; Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2013) Chronicle of Zuqnin, Third part, 517-518 (Harrak, 50) Severus of Antioch, epistula 36 (PO 12.2:291-2)

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