Search Results

Here you will find brief information about all exile cases relating to the category/ies you searched for, listed by the person/group exiled in alphabetical order. Click on 'View Case' to research each record further.

Exile Cases

Exile Exile Date Sent From Went To Returned Relationships Office Sources
Athanasius (male) (from: --/--/296 to: 2/5/373)
View Case
9/335 - 23/11/337 (from: 17/9/335 to: 23/11/337) Tyrus [Tyre] Col. Augusta Treverorum [Trier] yes
  • Bishop (337)
  • Bishop (337)
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (11/335)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (337)
Flavius Iulius Constans
  • Emperor (335)
Athanasius, apologia secunda 9.1-5, 71ff. Athanasius, epistula festalis 10
Eusebius of Vercelli (male) (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/370)
View Case
355 - 04/02/362 (from: --/--/355 to: 4/2/362) Mediolan(i)um [Milan] Scythopolis/Nysa [Beit She'an] yes
People of Vercelli
People of Novara
People of Ivrea
People of Tortona
Liberius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (after 353)
  • (between 353 and 355)
Lucifer of Cagliari
  • Bishop (355)
  • Bishop (355)
  • Bishop (354)
  • (after 358 - before 362)
  • presbyter (354)
  • presbyter (355)
  • Deacon (354)
  • Deacon (355)
  • (355)
Germinius of Sirmium
  • (355)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (355)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (355)
Dionysius of Milan
  • Bishop (355)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (355)
Patrophilus of Scythopolis
  • Bishop (355)
  • comes (east)
Clerics (brethren, presbyters and deacons)
  • (355)
Adherents of Patrophilus
  • (355)
agentes in rebus
  • (355)
  • Deacon (356)
  • Exorcist (356)
  • (356)
Inhabitants of Scythopolis
  • (356)
Gregorius of Elvira
  • (c. 359)
  • (c. 359)
The poor in Scythopolis
  • (355-359)
  • (355-362)
  • Bishop
  • Bishop (c. 369/70-396)
Nuns in Scythopolis
  • Nun (c. 355)
Evagrius of Antioch
  • presbyter
  • (before 13/1/366)
Exuperantius of Tortona
  • (between 355 and 362)
Eusebius of Vercelli, epistula 1 ad Constantium (CCSL 9:103); Eusebius of Vercelli, epistula 2 (CCSL 9:104-9); Eusebius of Vercelli, epistula 3 (CCSL 9:110); Eusebius of Vercelli, Appendix II (CCSL 9:119-23); Lucifer of Cagliari, epistula 7 (CCSL 8:319 = CCSL 9:120); Hilarius of Poitiers, textus narrativus (Liber I ad Constantium) 1.3 (CSEL 65:186-7), Hilarius of Poitiers, Fragmentum historiarum, App. VII.1 (CSEL 65:164-5); Sulpicius Severus, Chronica 2.39 (CSEL 1:92-3); Athanasius, apologia ad Constantium 27 (SC 56:118-19); Athanasius, De fuga 4 (Opitz II.1:70-71); Athanasius, historia Arianorum 33.6, 46.3, 76.3 (Opitz II.1:201, 210, 225); Faustinus et Marcellinus, Libellus precum 2.23 (CSEL 35.1:12); Gesta inter Liberium et Felicem 2 (CSEL 35.1:1); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 355 (GCS 47:239-40); Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 96 (TU 14.1:47); Prosper of Aquitaine, epitoma chronicon (MGH auct. ant. 9, chronica minora 1:455); Rufinus , historia ecclesiastica 10.21, 28 (GCS 9.2:987-8, 991); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.36, 3.5 (PG 67:301-2, 388); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.9.3-4 , 5.12.1 (GCS 50:148, 210-11); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.15.4, 3.4.2 (GCS 19:129, 179); Epiphanius, Panarion 30.5.2 (GCS 25:339-40); CIL V 6722-3; Inscriptiones Christianae 1049-50 (Diehl);
Lucifer of Cagliari (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/353 to: --/--/370)
View Case
355 - 04/02/362 (from: --/--/355 to: 4/2/362) Mediolan(i)um [Milan] Germanikeia [KahramanmaraÅŸ] yes
Liberius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (354)
  • Bishop of Rome (355-6)
  • presbyter (354)
  • presbyter (355)
  • Deacon (354)
  • Deacon (355)
Eusebius of Vercelli
  • Bishop (354)
  • Bishop (354)
  • Bishop (355)
  • (after 358 - before 362)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (354)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (355)
Dionysius of Milan
  • Bishop (355)
Eudoxius of Antioch
  • Bishop (355-358)
  • Deacon (c. 358-before 362)
Eutychius of Eleutheropolis
  • Bishop (c. 358- before 362)
Hilarius of Poitiers
  • (end of 358)
  • magister officiorum (359-361)
  • agens in rebus (359-361)
  • Deacon (around 362 at latest)
  • Deacon (around 362 at latest)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (355)
Anonymi in Eleutheropolis
  • (c. 358)
Paulinus of Antioch
  • Bishop (362)
Liberius, epistula 1-3, in: Eusebius of Vercelli, Appendix II B.1-2 (CCSL 9:122-3); Hilarius of Poitiers, Fragmentum historiarum, Appendix II A, VII; II B (CSEL 65:164-5, 187); Hilarius of Poitiers, de synodis 77 (PL 10:530); Hilarius of Poitiers, apologetica ad reprehensores libri de synodis 3 and 6 (PL 10:546-7); Florentius, epistula ad Luciferum and Lucifer of Cagliari, epistula ad Florentium (CCSL 8:305); Lucifer of Cagliari, epistula 3-4 and 6 (CCSL 8:306-10 and 316-18); Lucifer of Cagliari, epistula 7 (CCSL 8:319 = CCSL 9:120); Lucifer of Cagliari, de non conveniendo cum haereticis (CCSL 8:165-92); Lucifer of Cagliari, de Athanasio (CCSL 8:3-132); Lucifer of Cagliari, de regibus apostaticis (CCSL 8:135-61); Lucifer of Cagliari, moriundum esse pro Dei filio (CCSL 8:265-300); Rufinus, historia ecclesiastica 10.21, 28, 31 (GCS 9.2.2:987, 991, 994); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.36, 3.5, 3.9 (PG 67:301, 388, 465); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 3.15.7, 4.9.3-4, 5.12-13, 7.3.6 (GCS 50:126, 148, 210-12, 304); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.15.4, 3.4.2 (GCS 19:129, 179); Athanasius, apologia ad Constantium 27 (SC 56:118-19); Athanasius, De fuga 4 (Opitz II.1:70-71); Athanasius, historia Arianorum 33-34 and 46 (Opitz II.1:201-2 and 210); Athanasius, tomus ad Antiochenus 9 (PG 26:808); Gesta inter Liberium et Felicem 1, collectio Avellana 1 (CSEL 35.1:1); Faustinus et Marcellinus, Libellus precum 22-23, 63, 85, 89, 109, collectio Avellana 2 (CSEL 35.1:12, 23, 31-2, 39); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 355 (GCS 47:239-40); Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 95 (TU 14.1:53); Prosper of Aquitaine, epitoma chronicon, ann. 354 (MGH auct. ant. 9, chronica minora 1:455); Sulpicius Severus, chronica 2.39 (CSEL 1:92); Vita Dionysii 76 (AASS Mai. VI:46, BHL 2168); Faustinus et Marcellinus, libellus precum 84, 86, 88, 109, Collectio Avellana 2 (CSEL 35.1:30-31, 39); Photius, bibliotheca 258 (483a) (Henry, 94);
Liberius of Rome (male) died 366 (from: --/--/336 to: --/--/366)
View Case
356-358 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/358) Roma [Rome] Beroe [Stara Zagora] yes
Liberius' brothers, the presbyters and fellow bishops of the east
  • (357)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (355/6)
  • Emperor (358)
  • Emperor (357)
  • Emperor (357)
Fortunatianus of Aquileia
  • Bishop (before 354)
  • Bishop (357)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
Germinius of Sirmium
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Archdeacon (autumn 356)
  • Bishop (356)
  • Bishop (357)
Auxentius of Milan
  • Bishop (356)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (before 356)
  • Deacon (357)
  • agens in rebus (357)
Eusebius of Vercelli
  • Bishop (353/3)
  • (355-356)
Lucifer of Cagliari
  • Bishop (354)
  • (355-6)
Dionysius of Milan
  • (355-356)
Demophilus of Constantinople
  • Bishop (357)
  • cubicularius (357)
All the bishops of Campania
  • Bishop (357)
People of Rome
  • (356)
Deputation from the Western Bishops
  • Bishop (357)
Deputies of the Eastern bishops and of other priests
  • (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • presbyter (357)
Eusebia (Empress)
  • Empress (355/6)
Eusebius (eunuch)
  • praepositus sacri cubiculi (355/6)
Noblewomen of Rome
  • (357/8)
  • Deacon (356)
  • agens in rebus (358)
  • Empress (358)
Osius of Cordoba
  • (357)
Hilarius of Poitiers
  • Bishop (356)
Rhodanius of Toulouse
  • Bishop (356)
ICUR, NS 9, 24831 Hilarius of Poitiers, coll. Antiar. Paris., B VII (CSEL 65:164-73) Eusebius of Vercelli, epistula 2.4.2 (CCSL 9:106) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.11 and 15 (NPNF) Theoderetus, historia ecclesiastica 2.17 (SC 501:412). Ammianus Marcellinus 15.7.6-10 Gesta inter Liberium et Felicem, collectio Avellana 1-3 (CSEL 35.1:1-2) Rufinus, historia ecclesiastica 10.23 and 28 (Mommsen, 988 and 990-91) Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.37.91-4 Liberius, epistula 3.1 (CCSL 9:123) Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 97 (TU 14.1:47) Athanasius, historia Arianorum 36-41 (Opitz 2.1:203-6) Athanasius, apologia contra Arianos 89 Liber Pontificalis 37 (MGH Gesta pontificum Romanorum 1:77-9) CLE 00787 = ICUR-09, 24831 (p 389) = ILCV 00967 (em) = AE 2007, +00127 Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 4.3
Osius of Cordoba (male) c. 256-358 (from: --/--/256 to: --/--/358)
View Case
355-357 (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/357) Corduba [Córdoba] Sirmium [Sremska Mitrovica] yes
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (355)
  • Bishop (357)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (355)
  • Bishop (357)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (355)
  • Emperor (357)
Deputies of the Eastern bishops and of other priests
  • (357)
Liberius of Rome
  • (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • presbyter (357)
Germinius of Sirmium
  • Bishop (357)
Partisans of Eudoxius at Antioch
  • (after 357)
Eudoxius of Antioch
  • Bishop (after 357)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 42-6 (Opitz 2.1:206-10) Athanasius, apologia ad Constantium 27 (SC 56:118-9) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.15 (NPNF) Collectio Avellana, epistula 2.32-5 (CSEL 35.1:15)
Hilarius of Poitiers (male) c. 315 - 368 (from: --/--/315 to: --/--/368)
View Case
356-360 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/360) Limonum/Pictavi [Poitiers] Phrygia [Central Anatolia] yes
Liberius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (356)
Rhodanius of Toulouse
  • Bishop (356)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (356)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (356)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (356)
  • Emperor (after September 359)
Bishops of Gaul
  • Bishop (356-360)
Priests in Poitiers
  • presbyter (356-360)
Abra of Poitiers
  • Nun (356-360)
160 Eastern bishops
  • Bishop (September 359)
Ten Nicaean and ten 'heretical' bishops
  • Bishop (after September 359)
Saturninus of Arles
  • Bishop (360)
  • Bishop (360)
Martinus of Tours
  • (360)
Hilarius of Poitiers, liber contra Auxentium 7 (PL 10:614); Hilarius of Poitiers, ad Constantium 2.1-2 (CSEL 65:197-8); Hilarius of Poitiers, in Constantium 2 and 12-15 (SC 334:170 and 192-8); Hilarius of Poitiers, de synodis 1-2, 8 and 63 (PL 10:479-81, 485 and 522-3); Hilarius of Poitiers, de trinitate 1-3, 4.1 and 10.4 (SC 443:202-386, SC 448:12 and SC 462:178); Hilarius of Poitiers, Fragmentum historiarum A.5-9, B.3.2, B.7.1-2, B.7.5-11 and B.8.1-2 (CSEL 65:78-97, 155-6, 164-73 and 174-7); Venantius Fortunatus, vita s. Hilarii 6 (MGH auct. ant. 4.2:3); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 356 (Jeanjean-Lancon, 92); Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 100 (Ceresa-Gastaldo, 204); Hieronymus, altercatio Luciferiani et orthodoxi 19 (CCSL 79B:48-9); Faustinus et Marcellinus, libellus precum 24 (SC 504:130); Prosper of Aquitaine, chronica 1096 (ann. 356) (MGH auct. ant. 9:455); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 3.14.41, 4.12.6 and 4.22 (SC 418:138, 242 and 300-312); Sulpicius Severus, chronica 2.42 and 2.45.2-3 (SC 441:322 and 330); Sulpicius Severus, vita Martini 6.7 and 7.1 (SC 133:266); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.39-40 (SC 493:200-216); Epistula ab episcopis Gallicanis ad orientales episcopos 1-4 (CCSL 148:33-4);
Theophilus (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/350 to: --/--/364)
View Case
354- before 358 (from: --/--/354 to: --/--/358) Nicomedia [Ä°zmit] unknown [unknown] yes
Fl. Claudius Constantius Gallus
  • Caesar (354)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (354)
  • Emperor (between 354 and 358)
Eusebia (Empress)
  • Empress (between 354 and 358)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 4.1, 7 (PG 65:516-8, 520-21)
Aetius of Antioch (male) mid fourth century, died 367 (from: --/--/344 to: --/--/367)
View Case
358 or 359 (from: --/--/358 to: --/--/362) Alexandria [Alexandria] Pepouza [unknown] yes
Basilius of Ancyra
  • Bishop (358 or 359)
  • Bishop (359)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (358 or 359)
  • Emperor (359)
  • Emperor (between 360 and 362)
Acacius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (359)
  • Bishop (between 360 and 362)
Eunomius of Cyzikus
  • Bishop (between 360 and 362)
People of Amblada
  • (between 360 and 362)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 4.8, 11-12; 5.1-2; 6.7 (GCS) Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.23 (PG 1038-9)
Fl. Taurus Seleucus Cyrus (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/426 to: --/--/462)
View Case
443 - after 450 (from: --/--/443 to: --/--/450) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Smyrna [Izmir] yes
Theodosius II
  • Emperor (443)
  • spatharius (east) (443)
congregation in Kotiaeion
  • (443)
Malalas, chronica 14.16 (Dindorf, 361-2); Chronicon paschale, anno 450, p. 587-9; Joannes of Nikiu, chronica 84.47-57, p. 339-40; Theophanes, AM 5937 (de Boor, 96-7); Nicephorus Callistus, historia ecclesiastica 14.46 (PG 146:1220A-B); Patria 3.111, p. 252; Leo the Grammarian, p. 110; Zonaras 13.22.47-52 (vol. 3:106); Cedrenus 1, p. 598-9; Suidas, Th 145 (vol. 2:695), K 2776 (vol. 3:220); vita Danielis Stylitis 31-6, p. 30-34; epitomai vitae Danielis Stylitis 4, 19, p. 97, 119; Simeon Metaphrastes, vita Danielis Stylites 19 (PG 116:993D); Anthologia Palatina 1.99 (vol. 1:38-9); John Lydus, de magistratibus 3.42, p. 198;
Eunomius of Cyzikus (male) mid fourth century, died c. 395 (from: --/--/335 to: --/--/395)
View Case
367 - c. 368 (from: --/--/367 to: --/--/368) Chalcedon [Kadiköy] Mauretania [Mauritania] yes
  • PPO Orientis (367)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (c. 368)
Domninus of Marcianopolis
  • Bishop (c. 368)
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (c. 368)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 9.8
Eulogius (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
373 - before 379 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/379) Edessa [Şanlıurfa] Antinoopolis [El Sheikh Ibada] yes
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (373)
  • (373 - before 379)
bishop of Antinoopolis
  • Bishop (373 - before 379)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.18 (SC 530:248)
Protogenes (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
373 - before 379 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/379) Edessa [Şanlıurfa] Antinoopolis [El Sheikh Ibada] yes
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (373)
bishop of Antinoopolis
  • Bishop (373 - before 379)
boys in Antinoopolis
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.18 (SC 530:248)
Macarius of Egypt (male) c. 300 - 391 (from: --/--/300 to: --/--/391)
View Case
c. 373 - before 380 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/380) Sketis [Wadi El Natrun] Island in Nile Delta [Island in Nile Delta] yes
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 - before 380)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
Pagans in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Macarius of Alexandria
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
other disciples of Antony
  • (between 373 and 380)
Military Commander
  • Strategos
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 4.24 (SC 505:100-104) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.20 (SC 495:334-340) Michael Syrus 7.7 (Chabot 1:305)
Macarius of Alexandria (male) c. 300 - 395 (from: --/--/300 to: --/--/395)
View Case
c. 373 - before 380 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/380) Sketis [Wadi El Natrun] Island in Nile Delta [Island in Nile Delta] yes
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 - before 380)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
Pagans in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
other disciples of Antony
  • (between 373 and 380)
Military Commander
  • Strategos
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 4.24 (SC 505:100-104) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.20 (SC 495:334-340) Michael Syrus 7.7 (Chabot 1:305)
Isidorus (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
c. 373 - before 380 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/380) Sketis [Wadi El Natrun] Island in Nile Delta [Island in Nile Delta] yes
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 - before 380)
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 -before 380)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
Pagans in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Melania the Elder
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
other disciples of Antony
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
Adelphius of Onouphis
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
Ammonius Parotes
  • (between 373 and 380)
11 bishops of Egypt
  • (between 373 and 380)
11 bishops of Egypt
  • (between 373 and 380)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 4.24 (SC 505:100-104) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.20 (SC 495:334-340)
Pambo (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
c. 373 - before 380 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/380) Sketis [Wadi El Natrun] Island in Nile Delta [Island in Nile Delta] yes
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 - before 380)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
Pagans in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Melania the Elder
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
other disciples of Antony
  • (between 373 and 380)
Ammonius Parotes
  • (between 373 and 380)
11 bishops of Egypt
  • (between 373 and 380)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 4.24 (SC 505:100-104) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.20 (SC 495:334-340) Palladius, Historia Lausiaca 46.2
Heraclides (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/373)
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c. 373 - before 380 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/380) Sketis [Wadi El Natrun] Island in Nile Delta [Island in Nile Delta] yes
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 - before 380)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
Pagans in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
other disciples of Antony
  • (between 373 and 380)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 4.24 (SC 505:100-104) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.20 (SC 495:334-340)
other disciples of Antony (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
c. 373 - before 380 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/380) Sketis [Wadi El Natrun] Island in Nile Delta [Island in Nile Delta] yes
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 - before 380)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
Pagans in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Socrates, ecclesiastical history 4.24 (SC 505:100-104) Sozomenus, ecclesiastical history 6.20 (SC 495:334-340)
Marcianus (usurper) (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/469 to: --/--/479)
View Case
c. 479 - c. 484 (from: --/--/479 to: --/--/484) Ancyra [Ankara] Papiriou Castellum [near Tarsus (Turkey)] yes
Flavius Appalius Illus Trocundes
  • magister militum per Orientem (c. 379)
  • patricius (c. 484)
  • (c. 479 - c. 484)
Candidus in Photius, bibliotheca 79; Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector, epitome historiae ecclesiasticae 3.419-20 (ed. Hansen, GCS 54 = Neue Folge 3); John of Antioch, fr. 234.4 (Mariev, 430); Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 3.26 = Eustathius, fr. 3 (SC 542:454); Theophanes AM 5971-2 (De Boor: 127); Suidas P 137 Adler
Sagittarius of Gap (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/567 to: --/--/567)
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567 - ? (from: --/--/567 to: --/--/567) Lutetia [Paris] unknown monastery [n/a] yes
  • King (567)
  • King (after 567)
  • (567)
Gregorius of Tours, historiae 5.20 (MGH SS rer. Merov. 1.1:227-9)
Andreas (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571)
View Case
after 571 - before 577 (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/577) City wall of Constantinople [Theodosian wall] Monastery of Acoemetae [n/a] yes
Ioannes of Constantinople (sixth c.)
  • Bishop (after 571)
Iustinus II
  • Emperor (between 571 and 577)
Band of clergy and Romans
  • (after 571)
Crowd in Constantinople
  • (after 571)
Ioannes of Ephesus, historia ecclesiastica 2.14
Apion (male) early sixth century, died before 533 (from: --/--/503 to: --/--/533)
View Case
510 - 518 (from: --/--/510 to: --/--/518) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Nicaea [Iznik] yes
  • Emperor (510)
  • Emperor (518)
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (518)
Severus of Antioch
  • (between 508 and 510)
Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector 482 (GCS n.F. 3:137); Marcellinus comes, chronica 510 (MGH auct ant. 11:97); Theophanes, AM 6011 (De Boor, 165); John Lydus, de magistratibus 3.17; Malalas, chronica 411; Chronicon Paschale, s.a. 519
Honorata (female) late sixth century (from: --/--/594 to: --/--/594)
View Case
? - 7/594 (from: --/7/594 to: --/7/594) Sicilia [Sicily] yes
Leo of Catania
  • Bishop (before 7/594)
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (7/594)
Husband of Honorata
  • (7/594)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 4.34 (CCSL 140:254)
Paulus of Constantinople (male) mid fourth century, d. c. 350 (from: --/--/337 to: --/--/350)
View Case
c. 339 - 341 (from: --/--/339 to: --/--/341) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] yes
Flavius Theodosius
  • Emperor (383)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (c. 339)
Eusebius of Nicomedia
  • Bishop (c. 339)
  • (344?)
Asclepas of Gaza
  • (344?)
Marcellus of Ancyra
  • (344?)
Lucius of Adrianopolis
  • (344?)
Iulius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (344?)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.6-7, 12 Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 3.3-4 Athanasius, historia Arianorum 275 (1.7 NPNF) Mansi, concilia i. 1275 Photius, bibliotheca 257 (Bekker, 474-7)
Eutychius of Constantinople (male) c. 512 - 5/4/582 (from: --/--/512 to: 5/4/582)
View Case
565 - 577 (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/577) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Monastery of Choracudis [n/a] yes
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (565)
Ioannes of Constantinople (sixth c.)
  • presbyter (565)
Iustinus II
  • Emperor (577)
Tiberius Constantinus
  • Emperor (577)
Crowd in Constantinople
  • (577)
Married couple in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Petrus (child in Amasea)
  • (between 565 and 577)
presbyter in Amasea
  • presbyter (between 565 and 577)
Nouneches (son of presbyter in Amasea)
  • presbyter (between 565 and 577)
Cyrillus (cleric in Amasea)
  • (between 565 and 577)
son of Cyrillus
  • (between 565 and 577)
boy in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Son of artisan in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Artisan in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Peasant woman in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Son of peasant woman in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Nun in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Young musician in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Son of builder in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Builder in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Young man in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Possessed man in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Crowd in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Ill man in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Ill man from Cumanus
  • (between 565 and 577)
Sight impaired man in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Nun im Amasea with boy
  • (between 565 and 577)
Monks in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Quaestors, procurators and military commanders from Pontus
  • (between 565 and 577)
Imperial messengers
  • (577)
Archbishop of Amasea
  • Bishop (577)
Woman in Euchaita
  • (577)
Son of woman in Euchaita
  • (577)
Crowd in Nicomedia
  • (577)
military guard
  • (c. 565)
Vita S Eutychii Patriarchae 38-71 (PG 86:2317-56) Theophanes, AM 6057 (de Boor 240) Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 566 (MGH 11:205)
Flavius Longinus (male) late fifth century, died c. 499 (from: --/--/475 to: --/--/499)
View Case
475-485 (from: --/--/475 to: --/--/485) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Isauria [Bozkır] yes
  • Emperor (475)
Flavius Zenon
  • Emperor (c 483-485)
Marcellinus comes, chronica 485 (MGH auct. ant. 11.2:93); Theophanes, AM 5975 (de Boor 129); John of Antioch, fragmentum 214.1
Paulus of Edessa (male) early sixth century, died 30/10/526 (from: --/--/510 to: 30/10/526)
View Case
519 (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519) Edessa [Şanlıurfa] Seleucia [Babil Governorate] yes
  • Emperor (519)
Euphrasius of Constantinople
  • Bishop (525)
  • comes (east) (519)
Citizens and monks of Edessa
  • (519)
Paulus the Jew of Antioch
  • (519)
Chronicum Edessenum 89-92 (CSCO Scr. Syr. 3.4,1903: 9-10) Chronicle of Zuqnin, Third part, 517-518, 525-526 (Harrak, 51, 55)
Paulus of Edessa (male) early sixth century, died 30/10/526 (from: --/--/510 to: 30/10/526)
View Case
7/522 - 3/526 (from: --/7/522 to: --/3/526) Edessa [Şanlıurfa] Euchaita [Beyözü] yes
Asclepius of Edessa
  • Bishop (7/522)
  • Emperor (522-526)
Zacharias, historia ecclesiastica 8.4 (CSCO 84:75, 88:51) Chronicum Edessenum 89-92 (CSCO Scr. Syr. 3.4,1903: 9-10)
Petrus Mongus (male) late fifth century, died 29/10/490 (from: --/--/454 to: 29/10/490)
View Case
477 - 482 (from: --/--/477 to: --/--/482) Alexandria [Alexandria] Euchaita [Beyözü] yes
Flavius Zenon
  • Emperor (477-482)
Ioannes Talaia
  • Bishop (477-482)
Simplicius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (482)
Acacius of Constantinople
  • Bishop (482)
Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector, historia ecclesiastica 422-4 (GCS n.F. 3: 117); Theophanes, AM 5976 (de Boor 130); Collectio Avellana, epistula 70.4 (CSEL 35.1:156-7)
Petrus Fullo (male) late fifth century, died 488 (from: --/--/463 to: --/--/488)
View Case
471 - 476 (from: --/--/471 to: --/--/476) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Oasis Magna/Thebaidos [El-Kharga] yes
Leo of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (471)
Flavius Basiliscus
  • Emperor (476)
Gelasius, Gesta de nomine Acacii (CSEL 35, n. 99: 440 and 450); Liberatus, Breviarum 17 (ACO 2.5: 130); Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector, historia ecclesiastia 392 (GCS 53:110); Theophanes, AM 5967
Eusebius of Samosata (male) late fourth century, died c. 379 (from: --/--/360 to: --/--/379)
View Case
c. 373 - 378 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/378) Samosata [Samsat] Thracia [Thrace] yes
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (c. 373)
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Imperial messenger
  • (c. 373)
Slave of Eusebius of Samosata
  • (c. 373)
friends of Eusebius of Samosata
  • (c. 373)
Eunomius of Samosata
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Basilius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (c. 373)
  • Bishop (376-377)
Otreius of Melitene
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Paulus the deacon or presbyter
  • Deacon (377)
Gregorius of Nazianzus
  • Bishop (c. 373)
  • Bishop (375)
  • (c. 373)
  • peraequator (375)
  • (375)
Mare of Doliche
  • Bishop (378)
  • Empress (c. 373)
Eudoxius of Antioch
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.12-13 (NPNF); Basilius of Caesarea, epistula 181-183, 198, 237, 268; Gregorius of Nazianzus, epistula 64-66; Theophanes, AM 5871;
Eusebius of Nicomedia (male) early fourth century, died 341 (from: --/--/330 to: --/--/341)
View Case
325/6 - c. 328 (from: --/--/326 to: --/--/328) Nicomedia [Ä°zmit] Gaul [France] yes
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (325/6 - c. 328)
Secundus of Ptolemais
  • Bishop (325)
'principal bishops'
  • Bishop (c. 328)
Theognis of Nicaea
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Maris of Chalcedon
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 1.9-10, 2.7; Gelasius of Cyzicus, historia ecclesiastica I.11 (GCS NF 9:18-25); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 1.19 (NPNF); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 1.14 (NPNF); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 2.16 (NPNF), 3.19.3; Opitz, Urkunde 27.16, 36 (Opitz, 125-6, 129);
Meletius of Antioch (male) mid/late fourth century, died 381 (from: --/--/357 to: --/--/381)
View Case
361 - 4/2/362 (from: 3/11/361 to: 4/2/362) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] yes
Constantius II
  • Emperor (361)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (361)
Euzoius of Antioch
  • Bishop (361)
supporters of Meletius in Antioch
  • (361)
Flavius Theodosius
  • Emperor (383/4)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.44, 3.9 (NPNF) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.28 (NPNF)
Martinus of Tours (male) 316/17 or 334/5? - 11/397 (from: --/--/316 to: --/11/397)
View Case
c. 356 - 360 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/360) Mediolan(i)um [Milan] yes
Auxentius of Milan
  • Bishop (c. 356)
presbyter of Martin
  • presbyter (c. 356 - 360)
Hilarius of Poitiers
  • Bishop (360)
Sulpicius Severus, Vita Martini 6.4
Theognis of Nicaea (male) early fourth century (from: --/--/326 to: --/--/329)
View Case
325/6 - c. 328 (from: --/--/326 to: --/--/328) Nicaea [Iznik] Gaul [France] yes
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (325/6 - c. 328)
Secundus of Ptolemais
  • Bishop (325)
'principal bishops'
  • Bishop (c. 328)
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (325/6 - c. 328)
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Maris of Chalcedon
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Eusebius of Nicomedia
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 1.9, 2.7; Gelasius of Cyzicus, historia ecclesiastica I.11 (GCS NF 9:18-25); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 1.19 (NPNF); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 1.14 (NPNF); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 2.16 (NPNF), 3.19.3; Opitz, Urkunde 27.16, 36 (Opitz, 125-6, 129);
Ursicinus of Rome (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/381)
View Case
11/366 - 9/367 (from: --/11/366 to: --/8/367) Roma [Rome] yes
followers of Ursicinus
  • (366 - 9/367)
Flavius Valentinianus
  • (366 - 9/367)
Vettius Agorius Praetextatus
  • praefectus urbis Romae (9/367)
  • Bishop of Rome (11/366)
collectio Avellana 1.11, 5 (CSEL 35.1:4, 48) Ammianus Marcellinus 27.3.12-13, 27.9.9 Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 2.23 (NPNF)
Theodosius of Jerusalem (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/453 to: --/--/453)
View Case
c. 453 - 457 (from: --/--/453 to: --/--/457) Ierusalem [Jerusalem] yes
Marcianus (emperor)
  • Emperor (c. 453)
Iuvenalius of Jerusalem
  • Bishop (c. 453)
Gaianus of Antioch
  • Bishop (c. 453)
Leo (emperor)
  • Emperor (457)
Friends of Theodosius of Jerusalem
  • (457)
  • Monk (457)
Petrus Mongus
  • (457)
Narratio de obitu Theodosii Hierosolymorum et Romani monachi (trad. E.W. Brooks, Vita virorum apud Monophysitas celeberrimorum, vol. 1, CSCO 8, 1907, 15-17)
Eugenius of Carthage (male) late fifth century, died 13/7/505 (from: --/--/480 to: 13/7/505)
View Case
484 - 487 (from: 25/2/484 to: 22/12/487) Carthago [Carthage] Turris Tamalleni [Telmine] yes
  • King of the Vandals (between 481 and 2/484)
Antonius of Tamalluma
  • Bishop (c. 484)
  • King of the Vandals (after 484)
Victor of Vita, historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae 3.34, 42-44 (CSEL 7:89). Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Africae, ed. C. Halm, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, MGH, AA, III.I (Berlin, 1879), pp.63-71, 1. Gennadius, De Viris Illustribus, 97. Victor of Tunnuna, chronica, a.479. Laterculus regum Vandalorum et Alanorum, ed. T. Mommsen, MGH ASA 13, Chronica Minora 3 (Berlin: 1898), pp.456-60, Augiensis 5:8.
presbyters and ministers of Carthage (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/440)
View Case
c. 440 - 474 (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/474) Carthago [Carthage] yes
Flavius Zenon
  • Emperor (474)
  • patricius (474)
  • King of the Vandals (440)
Victor of Vita, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae 1.51 (CSEL 7:22)
Agelius (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/366 to: --/--/366)
View Case
366 (from: --/--/366 to: --/--/366) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] yes
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (366)
Flavius Valens
  • presbyter (366)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 4.9 (NPNF) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.9 (NPNF)
Eusebius of Dorylaeum (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/429 to: --/--/451)
View Case
449 - 451 (from: --/--/449 to: --/--/451) Ephesus [Selçuk] yes
Leo of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (449)
Collectio Avellana, Gesta de nomine Acaci, epist. 99.11-16 (CSEL 35.1:444-5)
Stephanus of Cyprus (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/565)
View Case
c. 565 - before 577 (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/577) Cyprus [Cyprus] Plataea [Platees] yes
clerics and lifeguardsmen from Constantinople
  • (c. 565)
Ioannes of Constantinople (sixth c.)
  • (c. 565)
Iustinus II
  • Emperor (between 565 and 577)
Aelia Sophia
Ioannes of Ephesus, historia ecclesiastica 1.16, 2.3 (NPNF)
Arius (male) c. 250 - 336 (from: --/--/250 to: --/--/336)
View Case
19/6/325 - 327 (from: 19/6/325 to: --/--/327) Alexandria [Alexandria] Illyricum [n/a] yes
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (19/6/325)
  • Emperor (327)
Eusebius of Nicomedia
  • Emperor (327)
Eusebius of Nicomedia
  • Emperor (327)
'Arian' presbyter
  • presbyter (327)
  • Empress (327)
Euzoius (deacon)
  • (327)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 1.8, 1.23-6 (NPNF) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 1.21, 2.16 (NPNF)
two presbyters and three deacons (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/343 to: --/--/345)
View Case
before 343 - c. 345 (from: --/--/343 to: --/--/345) Alexandria [Alexandria] Armenia [Armenia] yes
Constantius II
  • Emperor (before 343 - c. 345)
Athanasius, Historia Arianorum 15.4, 18.3, 21.1 (Opitz 2:190, 192, 194)
Lucius of Adrianopolis (male) mid fourth century, died c. 348 (from: --/--/343 to: --/--/348)
View Case
before 343 - c. 344 (from: --/--/343 to: --/--/344) Hadrianopolis [Tadmur] yes
Constantius II
  • Emperor (before 343)
Iulius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (344?)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 19.1 Athanasius, de fuga 3.3 Athanasius, apologia secunda 43.2 Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.15, 23 (NPNF) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 3.8, 24 (NPNF)
Maris of Chalcedon (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/360 to: --/--/362)
View Case
325/6 - c. 328 (from: --/--/326 to: --/--/328) Chalcedon [Kadiköy] Gaul [France] yes
Theognis of Nicaea
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Eusebius of Nicomedia
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (325/6 - c. 328)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 2.7
Donatists (male) Date: Unknown
View Case
314/15? - 321 (from: --/--/315 to: --/--/321) North Africa [North Africa] yes
Locrius Verinus
  • vicarius Africae (321)
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (314/5? - 321)
Augustinus, contra Donatistas 31.54 (CSEL 53:154) Augustinus, Breuiculus collationis cum Donatistis 3.40 (CCSL 149A) Augustinus, Psalmus contra partem Donati 54 (Anastasi, Padua 1957)
Donatists (male) Date: Unknown
View Case
c. 345 - c. 362 (from: --/--/345 to: --/--/362) North Africa [North Africa] yes
Macarius (notarius?)
  • notarius (c. 345)
Flavius Claudius Iulianus
  • Emperor (c. 362)
Optatus, contra Parmenianum Donatistam 2.16; 3.4
Paulus of Constantinople (male) mid fourth century, d. c. 350 (from: --/--/337 to: --/--/350)
View Case
342 - c. 344 (from: --/--/342 to: --/--/344) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] yes
Constantius II
  • Emperor (342)
  • magister equitum (342)
Crowd in Constantinople
  • (342)
Flavius Iulius Constans
  • Emperor (c. 344)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (c. 344)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.13 Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 3.7 Athanasius of Alexandria, historia Arianorum 275 (1.7 NPNF) Mansi, concilia i. 1275 Photius, bibliotheca 257 (Bekker, 474-7)
Asclepas of Gaza (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/344 to: --/--/344)
View Case
before 337 - c. 344 (from: --/--/337 to: --/--/344) Gaza [Gaza] yes
Eusebius Pamphilus
  • (c. 343)
Marcellus of Ancyra
  • (344?)
Lucius of Adrianopolis
  • (344?)
Iulius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (344?)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.15 Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 3.8 Athanasius, historia Arianorum 5.2 Athanasius, de fuga 3.3
Marcellus of Ancyra (male) (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--)
View Case
336 - c. 344 (from: --/--/336 to: --/--/344) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] yes
Eusebius of Nicomedia
  • Bishop (336)
Basilius of Ancyra
  • Bishop (336)
Lucius of Adrianopolis
  • (344?)
Iulius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (344?)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 1.36, 2.15, 29 (NPNF) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 2.33, 3.8, 24 (NPNF) Athanasius, de fuga 3.3
Timotheus Aelurus of Alexandria (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/460 to: --/--/460)
View Case
after 454 - c. 457 (from: --/--/454 to: --/--/457) Alexandria [Alexandria] Taposiris [Alexandria] yes
Proterius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (after 454)
Anatolius (brother of Timotheus of Alexandria)
  • presbyter (between 454 and 457)
Soldiers in Taposiris
  • (after 454)
Apollon (priest)
  • presbyter (between 454 and 457)
  • presbyter (between 454 and 457)
Theophilus (deacon)
  • Deacon (between 454 and 457)
Cyrus (deacon)
  • Deacon (between 454 and 457)
  • Deacon (between 454 and 457)
Gennadius (deacon)
  • Deacon (between 454 and 457)
Iohannes Rufus, Vita Petr. Ib. 92 (edited by C. B. Horn & R. R. Phenix Jr., John Rufus: The Lives of Peter the Iberian, Theodosius of Jerusalem, and the Monk Romanus, Atlanta 2008, 5-281)
Photinus of Sirmium (male) mid fourth century, died 376 (from: --/--/336 to: --/--/376)
View Case
351 - 2/362 (from: --/--/351 to: --/2/362) Sirmium [Sremska Mitrovica] yes
Basilius of Ancyra
  • Bishop (351)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (351)
George of Cappadocia
  • (351)
Marcus of Arethusa
  • Bishop (351)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (351)
Osius of Cordoba
  • Bishop (351)
Flavius Claudius Iulianus
  • Emperor (2/362)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.29-30 (NPNF) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.6, 15 (NPNF)
Meletius of Antioch (male) mid/late fourth century, died 381 (from: --/--/357 to: --/--/381)
View Case
371/2 - c. 378 (from: --/--/371 to: --/--/378) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Armenia [Armenia] yes
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (378)
supporters of Meletius in Antioch
  • (c. 381)
  • Empress (371/2)
Eudoxius of Antioch
  • Bishop (371/2)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 5.5 (NPNF) Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.12-13 (NPNF)
Parmenianus (male) mid fourth century, died 24/6/393 (from: --/--/362 to: 24/6/393)
View Case
before 362 - 2/362 (from: --/--/362 to: --/2/362) yes
Flavius Claudius Iulianus
  • Emperor (2/362)
Optatus 2.17 (p. 51)
Anastasius of Antioch (male) late sixth century, died 599 (from: --/--/561 to: --/--/599)
View Case
570 - 593 (from: --/--/570 to: --/--/593) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] yes
Iustinus II
  • Emperor (570)
Gregorius of Antioch
  • Monk (570)
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (between 570 and 593)
Flavius Mauricius Tiberius
  • Emperor (593)
Theodosius (son of Maurice)
  • Emperor (593)
Theophanes, AM 6062, 6087 (de Boor, 243, 272) Gregorius Magnus, epistula 1.7, 25, 26, 28; 5.39; 7,27, 33; 8.2 (CCSL 140)
Petrus of Alexandria (male) late fourth century, died 381 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/381)
View Case
373 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373) Alexandria [Alexandria] yes
Aelius Palladius
  • praefectus Aegypti (373)
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (373)
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (373)
  • Bishop of Rome (373)
  • (373)
Severus of Hermopolis, historia Patriarcharum Alexandrinorum 2.9 (translated by Evetts) Hieronymus, epistula 127.5; Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.21-22; Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.19.6; Gregorius of Nazianzus, oratio 25.12, 33.3, 43.46;
Bonifatius of Rome (male) early fifth century, died c. 422 (from: --/--/406 to: --/--/422)
View Case
3/1/419 - 10/4/419 (from: 3/1/419 to: 10/4/419) Roma [Rome] yes
Flavius Honorius
  • Emperor (3/1/419 - 10/4/419)
  • Bishop of Rome (3/1/419-10/4/419)
  • Bishop of Rome (8/2/419)
collectio Avellana 16, 18 (CSEL 35.1:61-5) Liber Pontificalis 44 (Duchesne I:89-92)
Eulalius (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/418 to: --/--/423)
View Case
8/2/419 - 18/3/419 (from: 8/2/419 to: 18/3/419) Roma [Rome] yes
Flavius Honorius
  • Emperor (15/1/419 - 10/4/419)
Aurelius Anicius Symmachus
  • praefectus urbis Romae (29/3/419 - 10/4/419)
corporati and maiores regionum
  • (29/3/419 - 10/4/419)
Flavius Honorius
  • Emperor (3/4/419 - 10/4/419)
people and clergy of Rome
  • (423)
collectio Avellana 20-29 (CSEL 35.1:61-5) Liber Pontificalis 44 (Duchesne I:89-92)
Amidan monks (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/521 to: --/--/521)
View Case
521 - ? (from: --/--/521 to: --/--/530) Amida [Diyarbakır] yes
Ioannes of Ephesus
  • (after 521)
crowds from distant lands
  • (after 521)
  • Emperor (521)
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (c. 530)
Ioannes of Ephesus, Vitae Sanctorum Orientalium 35 (PO 18:607-23)
Cyrillus of Jerusalem (male) c. 313 - 386 (from: --/--/313 to: --/--/386)
View Case
357 - 359 (from: --/--/357 to: --/--/359) Ierusalem [Jerusalem] Tarsus [Tarsus] yes
Acacius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (357)
  • (359)
Silvanus of Tarsus
  • Bishop (357 - 359)
congregation of Tarsus
  • (357)
Basilius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (359)
Eustathius of Sebaste
  • Bishop (359)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (359)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.22 Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.40 Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.22 Michael Syrus 7.8 (Chabot 1:309)
Cyrillus of Jerusalem (male) c. 313 - 386 (from: --/--/313 to: --/--/386)
View Case
366 - 378 (from: --/--/366 to: --/--/378) Ierusalem [Jerusalem] yes
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (366)
Flavius Gratianus
  • Emperor (378)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 5.2 Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 5.2 Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.12, 7.1
'Fathers' (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/553 to: --/--/565)
View Case
553 - 565 (from: --/--/553 to: --/--/565) yes
Iustinus II
  • Emperor (565)
Venantius Fortunatus, Appendix 2, 39-42 (J. George, Translated Texts for Historians, 113)
Eustathius of Sebaste (male) mid fourth century, died after 377 (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/377)
View Case
(from: --/--/360 to: --/--/361) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] yes
Acacius of Caesarea
  • Bishop
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 5.1
Fulgentius (male) 467-533 (from: --/--/468 to: --/--/533)
View Case
518/9 - 523 (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/523) Carthago [Carthage] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
  • King of the Vandals (518)
  • King of the Vandals (523)
Vita Fulgentii 18-28, trans. R.B. Eno, Fulgentius: Selected Works (Washington, D.C.: 1997)
Sidonius Apollinaris (male) fifth century (from: --/--/430 to: --/--/489)
View Case
475/6 (from: --/--/475 to: --/--/476) Augustonemetum [Clermont-Ferrand] Liviana [Douzens] yes
  • (476)
Victorinus comes of Auvergne
  • Comes (476 or 477)
Sidonius Apollinaris, epistula 4.10, 4.17, 4.22, 7.16, 8.3, 8.9 and 9.3
Caesarius of Arles (male) c.468 - 542 (from: --/--/468 to: 27/8/542)
View Case
505 (from: --/--/505 to: --/--/505) Col. Arelate [Arles] Burdigala [Bourdeaux] yes
Alaricus II
  • King of the Visigoths (505)
  • King of the Visigoths (505)
  • notarius (505)
Vita Caesarii 1.21 Caesarius, epistula 4
Marcellus (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/476 to: --/--/476)
View Case
476 - 478 (from: --/--/476 to: --/--/478) Col. Dea Vocontiorum [Die] Col. Arelate [Arles] yes
  • King of the Visigoths (476)
  • King of the Visigoths (478)
Vita Marcelli; F. Dolbeau, ‘La vie en prose de saint Marcel évêque de Die. Histoire du texte et édition critique’, Francia 11 (1983) pp.97-130

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